Potluck × Twitter Thoughts × Business Models × Senior Developer
Potluck Q&A show covering website improvements, managing notifications, JavaScript testing, routers, freelancing tips, smart home automation and more.
![Wes Bos](https://github.com/wesbos.png)
![Scott Tolinski](https://github.com/stolinski.png)
Potluck Q&A show covering website improvements, managing notifications, JavaScript testing, routers, freelancing tips, smart home automation and more.
Scott and Wes discuss the JavaScript chapter of the Web Almanac, covering topics like framework usage, script loading, and JS payloads. Wes also shares about recovering from a nasty flu.
Scott and Wes discuss their code style preferences, focusing on readability over being fancy. They also chat about prepping for a site launch.
Wes and Scott answer listener questions about using Twitter, the difference between CRUD operations and real-time protocols like WebSockets, and share updates on projects they are working on.
Discussion on different techniques for making websites responsive across devices like mobile, tablets, and desktop screens.
Scott and Wes continue their analysis of CSS usage trends from the HTTP archive almanac, discussing topics like box model, columns, animations, blend modes, and responsive design.
The Syntax podcast hosted by Scott Talinski and Wes Boss covers tasty web development topics.
Discussion of spooky web development stories involving accidents, bugs, and things gone wrong submitted by listeners.
Scott and Wes share cringey, scary stories submitted by developers about mistakes they've made in production that caused big problems.
Scott and Wes discuss mobile vs desktop usage based on stats from the Web Almanac report, cleaning tips, sponsors, and more.