Why You Should Be Using CSS @Layers
Wes and Scott discuss CSS Layers - a new way to control cascading and specificity by defining layers of CSS.
![Wes Bos](https://github.com/wesbos.png)
![Scott Tolinski](https://github.com/stolinski.png)
Wes and Scott discuss CSS Layers - a new way to control cascading and specificity by defining layers of CSS.
This episode covers 5 interesting new CSS features including nth child microsyntax, CSS motion path, scroll snap, scroll driven animations, and margin trim.
Scott and Wes explain the stale while revalidate caching technique, when you would use it, and how it allows you to serve cached content while asynchronously generating fresh content.
Wes and Scott discuss JavaScript maps and sets - how they differ from arrays and objects, unique use cases, and when to reach for maps/sets over arrays/objects.
Wes and Scott discuss the technology stack and services powering the new Syntax.fm website.
Developers share horror stories of catastrophic mistakes like deleting databases, breaking site functionality, exposing data, and more.
In this episode Scott and Wes discuss various libraries and tools that have been replaced by standardized browser APIs and JavaScript features over the years, like jQuery, Express, Underscore, 960 Grid System, Sass, Socket.IO, Left Pad, etc.
Tips for optimizing your home office space for productivity and comfort as a developer working from home.
Discussion on proper semantic usage of h1 through h6 headings for accessibility, SEO, and screen reader navigation.
Discussion comparing Tori and Electron for building desktop apps using web technologies. Covers differences in bundle sizes, developer experience, maturity and more.
Scott proxies requests from his Tonal workout device to reverse engineer the API and build custom community workouts since Tonal has limited functionality.
Wes and Scott discuss the new CSS nesting syntax that is now supported across all major browsers. They cover how it works, best practices, use cases compared to Sass, browser support via transpiling, and more.
Scott and Wes explain JavaScript closures, scoping, and give examples of how closures can be useful.
Scott and Wes discuss techniques for dynamically generating social media preview images known as open graph or OG images using services like Satori, Cloudinary, and Puppeteer.
Wes shares 8 tricks for using the JavaScript Fetch API including streaming responses, tracking download progress, and handling errors.
Scott and Wes discuss JavaScript decorators - what they are, how to use them, their current status, and potential future use cases.
Discussion on why Facebook and Instagram HTML/CSS is messy - random CSS class names and excessive div wrappers.
Compares JavaScript and Rust at a high level, including cargo, documentation, async/await, error handling, syntax differences, and more.
Scott and Wes discuss best practices for user feedback UI like toasts, flash messages and form validation.
Wes and Scott discuss best practices for asking for help with libraries and open source projects like providing reproductions, being responsive and respectful, searching existing issues first, and sharing code context.